Thursday 1st June: The official opening of the Fleadh will take place on Thursday 1st June with a concert in Urbleshanny School hall featuring renowned local musician Michael Rooney, Caitriona Sherlock, and Cr Éamonn Ó Muirí branch members performing. The adult group Ceolann will also perform on the night. The Fleadh programme of events and competitors will be available here.
Friday 2nd June: An open session will be held in McCague’s pub in Scotstown village on the Friday night.
Saturday 3rd June: Saturday sees the running of the Fleadh competitions in Urbleshanny NS from 10:00am. Junior Session in the Complex @ 5:30pm (after competitions). (Small admission charge for adults only). Everyone welcome.
Sunday 4th June: Aifreann na Fleidhe will take place on Sunday morning 4th June in St. Mary’s Church, Urbleshanny @ 11:30am with the local branch members providing the music. On Sunday afternoon there will be a ‘Céilí sa Cearnóg’ in the village square in conjunction with Muineacháin le Gaeilge.