The next guild meeting of Ballinode ICA will take place in Tydavnet Community Centre at 8pm on Thursday 11th May. New members are always welcome.
Ballinode ICA held its AGM on Thursday 20th April 2023. Breege Lenihan oversaw the election of officers for the upcoming year. The Officers elected were: President, Breege Lenihan; Vice President Evelyn Fisher; Secretary, Bridget Murphy; Treasurer, Mary Rafferty; PRO, Sarah McDermott; Events organiser, Ann McArdle. Best wishes to the new officers and new committee members for the upcoming year. Congratulations to Patricia Cavanagh on her appointment as Federation PRO. Three members have volunteered to complete the entry for the Tydavnet Show annual ICA competition. The June meeting will be replaced by a walk, with a meal afterwards, in celebration of the Guild’s 40th anniversary. The Taste of Monaghan festival will be on Saturday 6th May, and Monaghan ICA will have a table at the event. Monaghan Weekend at An Grianán will be from 12th to 14th May 2023. Thanks to Breege Lenihan on her very informative presentation on growing begonias, she brought along some of her begonia tubers which she had nutured over the winter, and which are now ready for planting. Breege has won the Scott Cup on a number of occasions at Tydavnet Show; she raffled the tubs afterwards and they were won by Patricia arbin and Margaret McKenna.
The Irish Countrywomen’s Association brings together both rural and urban women and their communities in fellowship and through co-operative effort. ICA is committed to ensuring that we provide a warm welcome for new members to an organisation which offers support, friendship, personal development, education and life-long learning, having due regard for our Irish Culture and the use of the Irish Language in the affairs of Bantracht na Tuaithe. ICA, through its Advocacy work, networks with many community based initiatives and facilities located all around Ireland.